Sunday, July 19, 2009

Caution: Pregnant Lady with a Glue Gun!

Posted by Hippo Baby 1 comments
Some of you may know that I'm currently 9 months pregnant waiting for Baby M to arrive any day now. I have a 3 year old so this is not my first child but I seem to be experiencing something that I certainly didn't with my first pregnancy.

Most moms-to-be at this stage could be experiencing anything from nesting, fatigue, irritability & discomfort, anxiety, and excitement to name a few
. I'm certainly feeling some if not all of these but something much stronger has taken hold the past couple of weeks . . .the urge to craft.

After finding out months ago that we were having another girl, I thought about taking a sewing class with visions of making cute and stylish outfits for my girls, but that never materialized. It wasn't until 3 weeks ago, I met a young lady who makes and sells diaper cakes that shortly thereafter I decided I would take a stab at making one myself.

So I watched a few YouTube tutorials on diaper cakes, made a list, and headed to my local craft store. I wandered (or rather waddled) around gathering supplies and somehow ended up in the wedding isle where I had an epiphany. I saw a box of party favor boxes and thought "Why not make a cake out of those?", and after a few minutes of debating with myself, I decided to go with it.

Dumping my original supplies I then waddled around the store for another 15 minutes gathering different supplies I thought would work for my "new" cake idea. At the time, I thought I was a crafting genius for coming up with this original idea of making a cake out of party favor boxes but was brought back to reality after researching it a little bit on the internet later that evening.

Turns out this concept has been done before. It actually derives from an Italian wedding tradition of giving
Bombonieres containing five sugared almonds to symbolize health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and long life. Well so much for originality, but I can say the direction I taken with my cakes are a break from the traditional, and I think they're pretty neat.

So after several more trips to the craft store and my husband probably thinking I've gone mad, I've created four favor cakes and have ideas for two more. I feel like I'm at mad dash against the clock to finish these last two designs before I go into labor. It's like a bizarre race that I can't quite explain.

I don't know where this sudden urge to create something, other than the beautiful creation inside my tummy, has derived from but I'm going with it. Once things calm down a bit after Baby M arrives, I plan on adding them to my online store Hippo Baby.

Anyways, if any of you moms have experienced this hormonal crafting urge thing, please feel free to comment :-)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Free BandaBib Give Away from Hippo Baby

Posted by Hippo Baby 0 comments
So on the fly, I thought I'd put together a quick and fun give away involving the impending arrival of our second baby girl, Makenzie. My official due date is July 24th.

I am full term so she could make her entrance any day now. The question is "Will she arrival early, on time, or just refuse to come out at all?"

So here's the give-away details in a nutshell:

Prize: One BandaBib, a stylish and functional must have for any baby, in the color of your choice, to whom ever guesses the correct arrival date and time WITHOUT going over.

How to enter:
  1. First: Please visit our Hippo Baby page and sign up for our newsletter if you haven't done so already, which by the way also enters you into a raffle for a $10.00 Gift Certificate

  2. Second: Give us your best guess on Baby Makenzie's arrival date and time in am/pm (in the event of a tie, the time will help us determine the winner). You can send us your guess in one of three ways. Through our Contact Us page, through our Twitter page, or in the comment section of this blog post. *Please only one guess per entrant*.

  3. Final: Once our little munchkin arrives we will notify the winner who made the most accurate guess.
Now time is definitely of the essence so we will take your guesses from NOW until midnight Friday, July 10th 11:59pm CST.

Thanks for participating and Good Luck!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is it a Bib or a Bandana?

Posted by Hippo Baby 0 comments
I am super excited about our new arrival of BandaBibs. In a nutshell, it's a bib designed in a unique baby Bandana style. It's adjustable, fashionable, and made with 100% soft cotton fabrics free of harsh chemicals.

Of course another reason we at Hippo Baby love the BandaBib is because it's another innovative mommy creation. Mompreneur Amanda Davis created her line of BandaBibs after desiring something more stylish, smart, & functional for her first daughter when she began teething and drooling.

BandaBibs come in a variety of styles and colors and normally retail for $11.99. We are offering them at an special introductory price of $9.99. We also have BandaBib Gift Sets

For more information on BandaBibs please visit our website at that come with 3 assorted styles and make a stylish gift for any baby.


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